Lower School Recommendation
Step 1 of 3

The student listed in your communication has expressed an interest in attending Prince Avenue Christian School.  We appreciate your evaluation of this student in the areas below which will aid in our selection process. Your input will remain confidential and will not be available to students or parents.

If you've been asked to provide feedback on more than one student, please submit a separate form for each student.

Student's Information

example: (2nd grade, 4th grade math & science)


Please rate this student in the following areas.

1=Lowest       2=Below average      3=Average       4=Above average       5=Exceptional

Selected Value: 3
1=Lowest 5=Exceptional
Selected Value: 3
1=Lowest 5=Exceptional
Selected Value: 3
1=Lowest 5=Exceptional
Selected Value: 3
1=Lowest 5=Exceptional
Selected Value: 3
1=Lowest 5=Exceptional
Selected Value: 3
1=Lowest 5=Exceptional
Selected Value: 3
1=Lowest 5=Exceptional