July 11, 2011
iPad 2 Pilot Program Begins This Fall
PACS iPad 2 Pilot Program Featured on Fox 5 News
Special Note: The PACS iPad Pilort Program will be featured on Fox 5 News during the 6:00 news hour on Friday, July 29. Fox 5 News heard about the program through a story in the Athens Banner Herald, and sent a reporter to interview Head of School Danny Howell and Technology Director Kendall Eley. Seniors Tyler Brannon and Corryne Lavender were also interviewed.
Students in Mrs. Renee Carey’s Dual Enrollment English class won’t be reading any books this school year–at least not in print form. The virtual world is becoming a reality for some 40 students and teachers at Prince Avenue Christian School. Prince Avenue is launching the area’s first Apple iPad 2 pilot program on campus this fall, and Mrs. Carey plans to have her students download copies of the novels she expects them to read.
“We are very excited about using hand-held technology devices in many of our classrooms next year, and the Ipad 2 pilot program is a first step in working toward incorporating the advanced technology throughout the school,” says Prince Avenue Technology Directory Kendall Eley. “The iPad 2 has many applications available that will enhance the teaching and learning experiences of our faculty and students. We can’t wait to get started.”
Prince Avenue’s administration decided to begin the pilot program this year after a technology committee of teachers and parents recommended that students begin incorporating some sort of electronic devices to enhance and to supplement the student’s educational experiences. Research gathered during the committee’s studies indicated that the iPad 2 offered the best and the most affordable opportunity for meeting the committee’s recommended goal of providing both students and teachers with the technology tools that will help advance the educational process.
“I can foresee the student holding everything they need for each of their classes in their hand, using the iPad 2 for a textbook, virtual lab, testing tool, and study aid,” says Eley. “Teachers will be able to present their information in many different avenues making information easily accessible to each student who is using the iPad 2—through videos, audio files, internet resources in addition to traditional teaching methods.”
Eley, who also teaches advanced math classes, including Pre-calculus and AP Calculus, is excited about the many math videos and applications available to help students understand complex math concepts. “It will be great for our students to be able to use the iPad 2 to help reinforce the skills they are learning, not only in math classes, but in all of their courses. Teachers and students will have the technology to create digital notecards which can be shared with other students. There is no question that the students involved in our IPad 2 pilot program will have enhanced learning opportunities, and they will be better prepared for the rigors of college academics.”
During the year-long pilot program, the iPad 2s will be issued to all the seniors and the juniors who are enrolled in AP Biology. The pilot program will allow teachers the time during this school year to develop teaching strategies using the technology and to provide the chance to evaluate the students’ ability to make use of the available applications for learning, according to Eley. “We will continually evaluate the program for effectiveness, and within a few months we expect to develop a plan to implement additional technology into our educational environment, says Eley.