The focus of Prince Avenue Christian School’s athletic program is to consistently project the image of Christ.
Our School Mission: To partner with Christian families to provide scripturally based discipleship while pursuing excellence in academics, fine arts, and athletics from a biblical worldview.
All student-athletes, coaches, and individuals involved in the athletic program are required to work hard, play hard, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ every day.
As our school continues to grow in size and maturity, we will strive to provide the best and broadest athletic experience. The Prince Avenue Christian School program will always compete with the intent to succeed, but growing in the likeness of Christ will remain the primary goal for each student-athlete involved in the program.
Athletic Policy 2024-25
(revised July 2024)
All written policies and areas of concern either specific or non-specific covered in the Athletic Handbook are subject to clarification and/or change by the school administration.
Athletic Requirements
No athlete will be allowed to participate in an athletic contest at Prince Avenue Christian School until the GHSA Preparticipation Physical Form has been completed, signed and returned to the Athletic Office.
Each athlete will be assessed an athletic fee for each sport. The fee will be applied to the student’s FACTS account and is non-refundable. Any student who plays three sports will not be charged the athletic fee for the third sport they participate in. Hopefully, this will be a benefit and incentive to the parents of student-athletes who wish to participate in three sports. Along with this, we will be recognizing all three-sport, varsity athletes on Honors Day at the end of the school year.
The purpose of Athletics at Prince Avenue Christian School is to consistently portray the image of Christ with our God-given talents and abilities, encourage growth in the whole person, spiritually and physically, while building character and developing community.
Prince Avenue Christian School Avenue Christian School (PACS) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, birth gender, ethnic origin or age in its employment or admissions.
We expect our student-athletes, parents, and coaches to exemplify the character of Christ as we compete in athletics. In order to accomplish this, there must be a higher level of accountability. Student-athletes have both the privilege and the responsibility of representing our school. These students are always representatives of Christ to those who see them. This increased visibility demands that the students be held to a higher standard of conduct that is glorifying to God, both in school and out of school. “So that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.” (Philippians 2:15-16a)
The following are some of the character qualities we are seeking to build in our student-athletes through PRINCE Athletics. Each is drawn from God’s Word. Our expectation is not that of achieving perfection, but of growing in conformity to Christ in very visible and very practical ways.
Respect for Authority
Obey and cooperate with your coach; honor the official. Recognize that they are placed in their positions of authority by God, and as such are owed your respect.
Don’t boast; don’t act proud. Show forth the attitude that God is the one who is ultimately responsible for your abilities and successes.
Persevere in the face of pressure, hard work, and discouragement. Keep your eyes fixed on the higher goals. Don’t quit; don’t let up!
Play on the edge of your limits. Give everything you’ve got at all times. Focus your total attention on the job at hand, and put forth every effort to execute it perfectly. Don’t be content with mediocrity; strive for excellence!
Carry out each task promptly and eagerly. Enjoy the game!
Show that you know the Lord is in control of every situation and is carrying out His will in your life–even when things don’t seem to go your way.
Respect for the Opposition
Be courteous. Don’t let up on them. They deserve your best effort, regardless of the score. Commend an opponent’s excellence. Shake a hand!
Be where you need to be when you need to be there. Do what is expected of you even without direct supervision. Choose to work and to make wise decisions on your own initiative.
Be honest! Earn a good name as one who is trustworthy. Play by the rules of the game. Have a sense of fair play that comes from a real commitment to the truth.
Don’t be selfish; conform your personal goals to team goals. Spur each other on to excellence. Cheer for each other. When someone’s struggling, stick with them. Be a team!
Look for ways to serve your teammates, your coach, and your school. Remember Jesus’ example.
Know yourself. Know how you tend to act under stress. Recognize areas of weakness, and train yourself to respond in a godly way.
PRINCE is currently competing in the Georgia High School Association, Region 8AA. The GHSA consists of over 450 schools from Georgia in six classifications.
Other schools in Region 8AA are:
- East Jackson
- Franklin County
- Hart County
- Hebron Christian Academy
- Stephens County
All athletic contests are operated under the rules and regulations governing that sport by the National Federation of High School Athletics and the Georgia High School Association.
All officials used in home games for PRINCE are currently certified under the National Federation of High School Athletics in that sport. PRINCE will never knowingly use an official who is a member of Prince Avenue Baptist Church, affiliated with Prince Avenue Christian School or who is not certified in a sport.
Middle School (includes grades 7-8*)
- Girls Volleyball
- Girls/Boys Basketball
- Boys Baseball
- Girls/Boys Swimming
- Girls Softball
- Boys Football
- Girls/Boys Golf
- Boys/Girls Cross Country
- Boys/Girls Tennis
- Boys/Girls Track
- Boys/Girls Soccer
- Kayak Fishing
*Sixth graders may be placed on a middle school team if numbers and space permit.
Junior Varsity (includes grades 9-11*,**)
- Girls Volleyball
- Girls/Boys Basketball
- Boys/Girls Tennis
- Boys Baseball
- Boys Football
- Boys/Girls Cross Country
*Eighth-graders who show exceptional ability may also be placed on the junior varsity team.
**Juniors may participate in junior varsity athletics in special situations with the approval of the Athletic Director and the coach.
- Girls/Boys Cross Country
- Girls Volleyball
- Girls Cheerleading (Football)
- Girls/Boys Basketball
- Boys/Girls Tennis
- Boys Baseball
- Girls/Boys Swimming
- Girls/Boys Golf
- Girls/Boys Track
- Girls Softball
- Boys Football
- Boys/Girls Soccer
- Bass Fishing
Prince Avenue Christian School believes that participation in co-curricular activities is part of the student’s educational experience. However, when involvement in a co-curricular activity interferes with his/her academic performance, in the best interest of the student, he/she must set aside the co-curricular activity to concentrate on their academic studies.
In order to participate in extracurricular activities, students must meet or surpass academic standards. Each semester’s grade report determines eligibility for the following semester. If a student has a failing grade in more than one class, he/she is ineligible to participate for the duration of the following semester.
An athlete who is struggling academically may be placed on academic probation at the end of a quarter or semester and may be suspended from athletic participation for a period of time as a means to encourage greater academic success. Any decision involving a suspension will be made jointly by the athletic department and upper school administration.
Withdrawal from a class after the normal two-week drop period will be considered a failure for athletic eligibility purposes.
Students who become eligible after a sports season has begun (for example, basketball or cheerleading) may be added to the roster, space permitting. These students will be added only if the following requirements are met:
- a positive faculty recommendation is received by the coach and athletic director;
- a positive administration recommendation is received by the coach and athletic director; and only if the ongoing sports team does not have a rule about joining its team in the middle of a season.
Student-athletes who fail two or less classes with respective grades of 66 or higher will be allowed to remain eligible if they meet and maintain the following requirements:
- All required homework/assignments are completed and progress is reviewed by Athletic Director.
- The student-athlete has a passing average for the failed class at the end of the first two weeks of the new grading period.
- If the student-athlete has not met the above requirements during the first two weeks, they will be given two additional weeks to qualify for eligibility. They will be ineligible during the two week period.
If the student-athlete does not meet the above requirements in the first four weeks, they will be considered ineligible for the remainder of the semester.
If you are a prospective student-athlete at a Division I or II college or university, you have certain responsibilities to attend to before you may participate. Information concerning who needs to register with the Clearinghouse and what documents will be submitted can be found in The Guide for College-Bound Student-Athletes on the NCAA website, www.ncaastudent.org
Two athletic awards are given each year on Honors Day by the Athletic Department. These awards are given to a senior athlete who lettered in at least 2 sports and who represents the mission statement of PACS, both in and out of school. The Wolverine Christian Character Award is given to the senior who best exemplifies the character of Christ while competing in athletics. The Wolverine Scholar-Athlete Award is given to the senior with the highest overall grade average among those who lettered in at least 2 sports. A plaque and a monetary gift are awarded to these recipients.
PACS student-athletes that are offered letters of intent from colleges and universities are the result of hard work and dedication by not only the signing student, but also their parents, teammates, and coaches. PACS will organize signing ceremonies for all PACS student-athletes to celebrate their accomplishments. These ceremonies are normally scheduled during chapel times. Exact dates and times are scheduled by the Athletic Department in cooperation with the parents and with consideration of NCAA rules. Occasionally more private ceremonies are scheduled in the media center.
While PACS recognizes that any student-athlete that is offered the opportunity to sign a letter or intent has obviously shown a great deal of individual success, only PACS student-athletes participating on a PACS team will be given the opportunity to have a public signing at PACS. A student-athlete signing a letter of intent to sign in a sport that is not offered at Prince may be allowed to have a public signing if approved by the Athletic Department.
The desire for PACS student-athlete signings is to not only recognize the accomplishments of the individual, but also the team and school.
The following accomplishments can be recognized by a school send-off:
- Football – State Semi-Finals and State Championship
- Softball – Elite Eight
- Cross Country – Team Only Championship
- Volleyball – State Semi-Finals and Finals
- Basketball – State Semi-Finals and Finals
- Swimming – Team Only (State Meet)
- Soccer – State Semi-Finals and Finals
- Baseball – State Championship Weekend
- Track – Team Only (State Meet)
- Golf – Team Only (State Finals)
- Tennis – Team Only State Semi-finals and Finals
The following rules apply to all students entering or exiting a GHSA sanctioned high school:
- Transfer of student’s enrollment must correspond with a parental move into the new school service area
- Attended school last semester/quarter
- Must pass five (5) subjects, or the equivalent
- Is “On Track” (Has earned Carnegie units equivalent to years he/she has been in high school)
- Has been in high school no more than four consecutive years after his/her first entry into ninth grade
- Has not attended his/her 19th birthday prior to May 1st preceding the year of participation
- Has completed a physical examination during the past 12 months
- Is not ineligible at the previous school for academic or behavioral reasons
- Is not a professional athlete in the sport he/she wishes to participate
If all requirements are not met, a student’s new school may apply for a waiver of the eligibility rule not met in the case of a true hardship situation. See the Athletic Director or the GHSA Constitution and By-Laws for the procedure.
Physical Form
Student-athletes are to undergo a physical exam by a physician prior to participating in a sport. Each student-athlete will need to upload into PRIVIT a GHSA approved pre-participation physical form certifying the student’s fitness for participation which is available through the student’s PRIVIT account, Athletic Director’s Office or the school’s website. Physicals given before April 1st of the current school year may not be used.
Concussion Awareness Form
Student-athletes and their parents must digitally sign a copy of the Concussion Awareness Form on their PRIVIT account prior to participating in a sport.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form
Student-athletes and their parents must digitally sign a copy of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form on their PRIVIT account prior to participating in a sport.
Click Here for the Required Athletic Forms
PRIVIT Athletic Document System
PRIVIT is a streamlined, electronic tool that PACS Athletics uses to collect, store, and manage your student’s health information. It allows our coaches and trainer to increase the safety of our athletes and enhance the accessibility and security of the health information when needed while also being HIPPA and COPPA compliant.
Please read and follow the directions on the PRIVIT Welcome Letter in order to set up an account and upload your forms.
Click the button below to see GHSA Practice Policy for Heat and Humidity.
Student-athletes are to travel on school-provided transportation to and from all away games/matches. They are under the authority of Prince Avenue Christian School and should conduct themselves accordingly. Student-athletes who need to take alternate transportation home from a game must have written permission from a parent prior to the event or parent must sign out student-athlete with coach after event. Student-athletes should keep in mind that the use of school vehicles includes the responsibility of keeping them clean. Food and drink in the vehicles are at the discretion of the driver.
Boys and Girls will not sit side-by-side on bus trips.
Student-athletes are responsible for cleaning and care of all practice and game uniforms. Care will be taken when laundering the uniforms. Wash in cold water and hang to dry. Do not put uniforms in the dryer. Uniforms that are lost, stolen, damaged, or have unusual wear need to be replaced by the student-athlete. The cost will be determined by the age of the article and will be billed to the family FACTS account. Student-athletes will wear only those practice and game uniforms designated by their coach. Uniforms are to be turned in to the head coach at the end of each season.
Students are encouraged to participate in as many activities as they can manage while remaining academically successful. Student-athletes are expected to be loyal and committed to that team for the entire season. In the case of multi-sport athletes or coinciding co-curricular activities, coaches will grant flexibility where possible. However, in case of dilemma, the ongoing or first joined sport must have the player’s first loyalty.
Student-athletes playing on the varsity level may not participate in outside or non-school teams that coincide with the existing school sport’s season without permission of the coach/Athletic Director. If this situation were to arise, the student-athlete would be asked to decide with which team he/she wants to participate.
Because of the demanding schedules of our athletic teams and the responsibility of each student-athlete to maintain high academic integrity, student-athletes are encouraged not to work during the season. Student-athletes will not be excused from practice due to outside work responsibilities.
Student-athletes who quit or are dismissed from the team by the coach or Athletic Director due to poor attitudes or discipline problems are ineligible to play any sport the following semester. This also applies to spring sports and next fall participation.
When participating in athletic events, physical education classes, or general playtime, athletic shoes with non-marking soles must be worn. When wearing non-athletic shoes, please avoid walking on the playing surface of the gym. Student-athletes will not be allowed in athletic offices, gymnasium, athletic fields, equipment storage areas, and concession areas without the approval and supervision of a coach/Athletic Director.
All facilities/equipment should be limited to the use for which it was intended, handled with proper respect, and returned to the proper storage area after each use.
No pets are allowed at athletic events or while students are on campus.
Any damage to facilities/equipment should be reported to the Athletic Director as soon as possible.
Student-athletes are expected to attend all practices and games, unless absent from school. Student-athletes with an unexcused absence from practice or game are subject to athletic suspension.
(including but not limited to athletic activities)
In order for a student to participate in co-curricular activities, he/she must be in school by 9:30 AM. Exceptions may be granted by the administration for doctor’s appointments, pre-arranged absences, or justifiable emergencies. If a student is late and arrives after 9:30 AM, he/she will generally be ineligible to participate in any co-curricular activities that day. If a student is too ill to be in school by 9:30 AM, then a student is too ill to participate in any co-curricular activity that day, unless a doctor authorizes in writing that the student is able to participate. A student must be in attendance at school on the day after any co-curricular activity by 9:30 AM, unless an excused notice, signed by a parent, is given to the office. The excuse “I was too tired” is NOT valid. If a student is tardy or absent for the above reason, he/she will be ineligible for the next similar activity.
6th Detention
Parental Notification and conference with parents, Principal, and Head of School and forfeiture of all extra-curricular activities.
If a student is suspended for one day, the following consequences will occur: The student shall not participate in any athletic events on the day suspended and may not attend an activity without administrative permission. The final decision on when and how long the suspension from athletic activities will last will be determined by the school administration and athletic staff.
A suspension of two or more days or a second one-day suspension results in automatic suspension from participation in sports for a probationary period to be determined by the administration.
The Athletic Director oversees the entire athletic program. The AD works with the two assistant athletic directors, the head of school, and middle and high school principals to provide a quality program. Each assistant coach, MS, or JV coach reports to the head coach of their sport, and all head coaches report directly to the Athletic Director assigned to their area.
Questions or concerns about a specific team will be first addressed to your son/daughter’s coach. If your questions are not sufficiently addressed, feel free to make an appointment with the head coach of that sport, and then the Athletic Director. Parents are strongly encouraged to support the decisions of the coach. While you may not agree with every decision of a coach, how and when you express your feelings may have a negative effect on your child and on the team. The time immediately following a contest is an emotional time, so please refrain from approaching a coach with issues at that time. A good standard to follow is “right time, right place, and right spirit.”
Parents and coaches must have an understanding of the expectations and philosophies of one another. Clear communication is important.
Communication you will expect from the coach:
- Philosophy of the coach
- Expectations the coach has for the team members.
- Locations and times of all games and practices.
- Approximate return times for all away games.
- Team requirements, i.e. fees, special equipment, off-season conditioning.
- Procedure to follow for injuries.
- Discipline that would affect playing time.
Communication coaches expect from parents:
- Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance.
- Specific concern in regard to a coach’s philosophy and/or expectations.
Appropriate issues to discuss with a coach:
- The treatment of your child, mentally and physically.
- Ways to help your child improve.
- Concerns about your child’s behavior.
Issues not appropriate to discuss with a coach:
- Playing time
- Team strategy
- Playcalling
- Other student-athletes
The Apostle Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “whether therefore you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Athletics can be used to develop many positive qualities in student-athletes, parents, and spectators. We must maintain a Christ-like testimony while in the midst of competition. The following guidelines have been developed to help us maintain a godly walk and testimony.
For the Coach…
- Exemplify godly character, behavior, and leadership at all times.
- Respect the integrity and personality of the individual student-athlete.
- Abide by and teach the rules of the game in letter and in spirit.
- Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat.
- Respect the integrity, judgment, and authority of the officials. Show respect to the officials.
For the Student-Athlete…
- Accept the responsibility of representing Prince Avenue Christian School.
- Treat opponents and teammates with self-control and respect.
- Avoid actions and words that demean or taunt opponents.
- Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat.
- Respect the integrity and judgment of the officials.
- Shake hands with opponents after the game. Treat the competition as a game, not a battle.
For the Spectators…
- Remember that you are at an athletic contest involving school students. They are not adults or professionals.
- Show respect for opposing players, coaches, spectators, and cheerleaders.
- Respect the integrity, judgment, and authority of the officials.
- Avoid personal contact with the officials.
- Avoid booing, taunting, and sarcastic and personal comments directed at opposing players and referees.
- Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
- Do not use noisemakers during the contest.
Disciplines for Technical Fouls/Cautions/Ejections
Student-athletes who receive a conduct technical foul in basketball, a caution in soccer or volleyball (yellow card), a penalty in football or a verbal caution in baseball will be removed from the contest for a period deemed necessary by the head coach. Any student-athlete receiving a caution or conduct technical in two consecutive contests will be removed for the remainder of the contest and be suspended the next contest. A student-athlete who is ejected from a contest will be suspended for the next two scheduled contests. These suspensions are carried to the next year if ejection takes place during the last contest of the current season.
Exceptions will be Track, Soccer, and Football which will be only a one-game suspension.
Proverbs 16:23 “A wise man’s heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction.”
- Choose your words and your timing wisely. Questionable language or “slang” words will not be tolerated. The student-athlete will never engage in any language that can be termed “trash talking” or profanity.
- The student-athlete will address the coaches and officials with respect. The student-athlete will address the coach as “Coach” or “Mr., Miss or Mrs.” and will take concerns or complaints directly to him/her. Insubordination and divisive speech or behavior will not be tolerated. The student-athlete will address officials as “Sir” or” Ma’am”.
- Never criticize the officials or coaches. Coaches and officials represent the authority figure. Obedience to authority is not optional and is not predicated on whether or not you agree with it. All authority is God-given and disobedience to authority is disobedience to God.
I Corinthians 12:12 “For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.”
- Develop unity within your team. “It is amazing what can be accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit.” -John Wooden
- Develop unity with our school family. God has called each one of us to this school. Each of us has different responsibilities, abilities and roles. Never be jealous or envious of someone else’s role. Be busy fulfilling your role.
- Develop unity within the Kingdom. We must establish our philosophy with other schools in order for our ultimate purpose to be met to further the Kingdom of God. It will take other Christian schools being successful. Pray for them as you pray for Prince Avenue Christian School.
I Corinthians 10:31 “…whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
- Be motivated by the love of God. Live for Him because He gave His life for us.
- Strive for victory in order to glorify God. Athletics is just a means to an end and not the end itself. “Perfection is what you are striving for, but perfection is an impossibility. However, striving for perfection is not an impossibility.” John Wooden
- Demonstrating Christ in our lives by abiding by the rules of the game in letter and in spirit. Tactics that promote unfair “gamesmanship” will not be tolerated.
- Committed to excellence. Be committed to excellence in all areas: faith, practice, academics and game preparation. “Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.” Proverbs 16:3
- Play and act like a CHAMPION!
I John 2:6 “Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.”
- The student-athlete will maintain a good reputation. The student-athlete’s character will be in good standing with the administration, faculty, and staff. The student-athlete will refrain from the use of profanity, suggestive or threatening language, or innuendos. The student-athlete will not be under the influence of, possess, or sell alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs. Any student who is suspended for illegal use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or tobacco will be ineligible for the next two scheduled athletic contests. The student-athlete will not be involved in any immoral sexual activity or be in possession of any pornography or illicit pictures or literature.
- The student-athlete will meet all eligibility requirements.
- The student-athlete will know and understand all the requirements. The student-athlete will know all of the expectations of their team and will follow them both in action and in spirit.
- The student-athlete will show respect for all coaches, trainers and all staff personnel. This includes game plans, methods, and philosophies.
- The student-athlete will show respect for their teammates. The student-athlete will respect the seriousness of their commitment by attending all practices, meetings, and games as prescribed at the beginning of the season and by working together to accomplish a common goal. Help to hold your teammates accountable for their actions.
- The student-athlete will maintain a high standard of appearance. He/she will adhere to the strictest interpretations of the school dress code and the team dress and uniform code while at school and on any school trip.
- The student-athlete will demonstrate Christ-like character. Both in and out of the arena showing respect in speech and in actions for game officials, opponents, and all those associated with our opponents.
- The student-athlete will never engage in fighting. The student-athlete will maintain self- control at all times. Unsportsmanlike conduct, penalties, and technical fouls will not be tolerated and will be penalized. Penalties include, but are not limited to, suspension or dismissal from the team.
- The student-athlete will know and understand our philosophy. The student-athlete will respect the eternal effects of their speech and actions as they represent themselves, their families, their school, their church and ultimately their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Proverbs 16:23 “A wise man’s heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction.”
- Choose your words and your timing wisely. Questionable language or “slang” words will not be tolerated. Anything negative or insulting must be avoided.
- Be positive and encouraging. Lift your student and others up. Let them know they are important. Let them know the importance of being a member of a team.
- Never criticize the officials or coaches. They are representatives of authority. This is a great opportunity to teach your child how to respect a person in authority. All authority is God-given and disobedience to authority is disobedience to God. Insist that your child address the coaches and officials with respect.
- Never be involved in negative cheering. Cheer positively for your team. Avoid addressing the other team’s players by name in negative type cheers.
- Never speak negatively around the students or other parents about:
- The School. Negativity can be contagious. Instead, create an atmosphere of gratitude.
- Other students or parents. Speak to parents only about your students and their students. Speak to other students only in an encouraging manner. The only time another student or parent’s name will be mentioned is in a genuine complementary fashion.
- Never criticize your child’s teammates. Remember to teach your child team attitude.
- Always resolve differences with your coaches out of sight and earshot of students and other parents. Call to set an appointment to speak with the coach privately. Pray about what you will say and what is motivating your discussion.
John 15:12 “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
- Develop relationships and a good rapport with team and coaches. God has placed you in this situation for a purpose. You have an opportunity to minister and be an encouragement to others. If sports becomes all about you and your student, you need not participate.
- Develop relationships and a good rapport with other parents. You will need their prayers and support as much as they will need yours.
- Develop relationships and a good rapport with parents from other schools. Never miss an opportunity to share Jesus Christ with others. Promote your school and your students. The relationships you develop are a reflection n our entire ministry.
- Develop relationships with the coaches. Get to know the coaches. Pray for them. Communicate with them with an open heart and mind. Be open, honest, and use gentle words.
- Develop unity within our school family. God has called each one of us to this school. Each of us has different roles and abilities. Never be jealous or envious of someone else’s role. Be busy fulfilling your role. Your example of being a unified school body is a valuable lesson for your students to learn.
- 2. Develop unity within the Kingdom. We must establish our philosophy with other schools in order for our ultimate purpose to be met ¬ to further the Kingdom of God. It will take other Christian schools being successful. Pray for them as you pray for Prince Avenue Christian School.
I Corinthians 12:12 “For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.”
I John 2:6 “Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.”
- Maintain class and character. You are setting the example for your children. Realize that your every action reflects upon you, your family, PRINCE, and ultimately your Lord.
- Always insist that your children follow instructions. Coaches must depend on a player’s ability to follow orders immediately and without question. Questions will be raised at the appropriate time, such as at practice or after a game.
- Always dress appropriately. Modest attire that does not attract attention to you and away from your child will be worn. Even in warm weather events, a Christ-like appearance must be maintained.
- Be an example and a guard. Set the standard high for behavior and appearance and do not be afraid to speak to those who are indifferent to our ultimate purpose.
- Working with the officials…not working the officials.
I Corinthians 10:31 “…whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
- Be motivated by the love of God. Live for Him because He gave His life for us.
- Strive for victory as a tool to teach your students. Teach them that athletics is just a means to an end and not an end unto itself. “Perfection is what you are striving for, but perfection is an impossibility. However, striving for perfection is not an impossibility.” John Wooden
- Teach your students to abide by the rules of the game in letter and in spirit. Tactics that promote unfair “gamesmanship” will not be tolerated.
- Use your child’s experience as a chance to be involved in his or her life. Your relationship with your child as an adult will last longer than your relationship with them while they are in your home. If you want a relationship with them as adults you need to begin building that relationship now. Athletics affords you that opportunity.
- Badgering an official to persuade a call our way comes with too high a price our testimony and our ability to influence those others for Jesus Christ. There is never a time at any contest where a parent is afforded an opportunity to say anything to an official other than “Thank You.” Without these men and women, and their willingness to officiate, no one is playing ball.
- Remain in the stands. Never attempt to approach the field, court, bench area, press box, score table or the officials before, during or after a ballgame. Socially visiting with the coach briefly after a game is encouraged. Game officials are off-limits.
- Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat. Coaches, students, parents, and spectators will need to be strong in this area. Shake hands with our visitors before and after the game.
- Recognize the success of your opponent. Compliment the good play of students from the other school. Congratulate their coaches on a well-coached game.
- Teach your children that they have a special purpose from God. It is their responsibility to accept God’s purpose for them. Do not compare or contrast them to others. This limits their ability to fulfill their own unique potential and purpose.
- Have fun, touch lives and be yourself. You have the opportunity to be a positive influence, like no one else may be able to, in the lives of your children and their peers. Games, plays, and officials will be forgotten, but your behavior and attitude will stay with your child forever.
NOTE Conduct detrimental to the testimony of the school will result in removal from the athletic arena.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”
Colossians 3:23
“And everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we are imperishable.”
I Corinthians 9:25
“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”