Safety is of utmost importance at Prince Avenue Christian School, and we will rely heavily on your partnership in order for our faculty and staff to help promote the safety of all students.
An excellent way to partner with us is by continuing to closely monitor your student’s health and keeping him or her home if your student is experiencing any symptoms as identified on page 51 in the updated Family-School Handbook. Please, do NOT send your student to school after treating him or her with fever-reducing medications. If your student has a fever (100.4 or higher), please keep your student at home until he or she is fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medications) for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
- Infection control remains at the forefront of our safety measures now that we have returned to school. Faculty and staff have been trained on hand-hygiene and appropriate infection control. In addition to our reopening procedures that have been implemented, students are continually reminded how to take an active role in their own infection control while in the classroom, cafeteria, locker rooms, media center, ESS, and other commonly used spaces around campus.
- Dispensing medication is another vital role of the school nurse. Changes have been made to improve the efficiency and safety in our dispensing of medications. Please ensure you have reviewed these changes on page 53 in the Family-School Handbook, and contact the school at with any questions or completed forms.
- In addition to addressing safety needs, the role of a school nurse focuses on supporting the health of students. Throughout the school day, the school will be available to provide your students with chronic and acute care support. While the school nurse does not diagnose, it is within the scope of practice to treat minor conditions not requiring the care of a physician, to assist in referrals, and to follow up with your student about new conditions and/or needs. The school nurse will advocate for your student’s healthcare needs in the classroom, serving as a medical liaison with teachers and the school’s leadership.