International Mission
Each year the Prince Avenue Christian School senior class will take an international mission trip. On this trip, students have the opportunity to share the Gospel by giving out copies of the Bible, taking prayer walks, and ministering to the local population alongside the full-time missionaries of that area. Students are able to put into practice the lessons learned during their time at Prince Avenue and see first-hand how to apply their Biblical worldview in real-life settings. The international mission trip proves every year to be a life-changing experience for the students. For the last several years, the trip has been to Central America, and the trip meets the Volunteer Service Hours required by the Christian Character Development Program.
Local Mission
For those seniors that choose not to travel on the international mission trip, a local mission is served. Students work with community organizations in the Athens area to meet needs and complete projects as identified. As on the international trip, Prince Avenue students are able to put into practice the lessons learned during their time at Prince Avenue and see first-hand how to apply their Biblical worldview in real-life settings. The local mission meets the Volunteer Service Hours required by the Christian Character Development Program.