September 10, 2013
Homecoming 2013: Wolverine World!
Students at Prince Avenue Christian School are making plans to celebrate an exciting Spirit Week September 23-27 leading up to the Wolverine's annual Homecoming Festivities on Friday night when the varsity football team faces Athens Christian at 7:30 pm.
Wolverine World – Where Dreams Come True and Eagles Never Fly is the theme for this year's event. Students are encouraged to dress according to special Wolverine World themes each day, and the middle and high school students will hold several competitions throughout the week.
Dress themes for the week include: Magic Kingdom (Monday), Animal Kingdom (Tuesday), Epcot (Wednesday), and Hollywood Studios-MGM (Thursday), and Wolverine Nations (Friday) when students wear class t-shirts or spirit day attire.
One highlight of the week will be the annual Wolverine Growl and Block Party Thursday Night. Prince Avenue families are invited to a Block Party for free pizza on Prince Avenue (the road between the school building and athletic complex), followed by the Wolverine Growl pep rally where middle and high school classes will compete in the skit contest and the Wolverine Cheerleaders will generate enthusiasm among the Wolverine Nation with their chants and cheers.
The Homecoming Court includes seniors Anna Cail, Elli Heath, Amanda Hill, Peyton Howell, Mackenzie Lowman, Jacob Colquitt, Tyler Foster, Christian Payne, Christopher Pounds, and James Wagner; juniors Sydney Henderson and Sutton Norris; sophomores Abby Hathaway and Duncan Taylor, and freshmen Macy Frazier and Mark Aldin . Mr. PACS will be announced on Thursday night at the Wolverine Growl. Miss PACS will be announced on Friday night during halftime festivities of the Homecoming game.
An Alumni Tailgate will be held on Friday beginning at 6:30 pm under the big tent in the end zone of Akins Field. Alumni and a guest will receive free admission to the game. Alumni are encouraged to contact their former classmates and invite them to attend.