February 17, 2015
PACS Fine Arts Students Participate in Special Events
The Prince Avenue Fine Arts Department has been actively participating in several special events.
On February 5th – 7th, six PACS Performing Arts students attended the State Thespian Society Conference in Columbus, Georgia. During the three day event, PACS students participated in workshops, attended plays and musicals, and competed in several competitions. Senior Rachel Adams was one of 12 students who was selected from over 4,000 competitors to perform in the conference Showcase. Rachel will go on to compete at the International Thespian Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska in June.
Another Performing Arts event attended by PACS students was the Putting It Together Showcase hosted by Athens Academy. Rebecca Hathaway, Rachel Adams, Alex Harding, Katelyn Grider, Joy Harris, Isabelle Renn, and Cole Hurley participated in this event. This annual community performance provides an opportunity for performing arts students to showcase pieces prepared in rehearsal and for the stage in a non-competitive environment.
The PACS Art students also had a special event following the PACS National Art Honor Society (NAHS) Empty Bowls Project to benefit Bigger Vision Community Shelter. This is the fourth year the PACS NAHS has supported Bigger Vision, and in those four years, the PACS group has donated more than $6000 to the shelter. Recently, Scott Cochran from the Bigger Vision Board of Directors met with the PACS NAHS students. Mr. Cochran described the purpose of the Bigger Vision Community Shelter, how students can serve in that ministry, and the people assisted by Bigger Vision. After the discussion, PACS Art students presented Mr. Cochran with a check from the PACS 2015 Empty Bowls project.
Looking ahead, the PACS Fine Arts Department will celebrate Fine Arts Week February 23rd – 27th. Students will enjoy a variety of activities as well as present their Winter Concert on Thursday, February 26th at 7:00 p.m. in the Prince Avenue Baptist Church Worship Center.
Performing Arts Students Rachel Adams, Josh Whalen, Joy Harris, Will Adams, Will Douglas, and Luke Wallace attended the State Thespian Society Conference in Columbus, GA. Rachel Adams will go on to compete in the International Thespian Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska.
PACS students in the Putting It Together Showcase.
PACS National Art Honor Society students present Bigger Vision with a check from the Empty Bowls Project.