November 12, 2015
Learn More About Tax Credits to Help Prince
The Apogee program allows you to redirect a portion of your state tax liability to Prince Avenue Christian School and receive a dollar-for-dollar credit when filing your 2016 taxes. These funds are then used by Prince Avenue to provide financial aid to families who qualify (needs based). The school saves money from the operating budget, and you get a dollar for dollar credit on your state income taxes and a charitable deduction on your federal return; this is a win-win!
Col Hathaway and John Panessa, Georgia private school tax credit expert, will clearly describe this program and answer all your questions. This program has been underutilized in the past; please come and consider participating.
Thursday, November 19, at 6:15 pm
Friday, November 20, at 8:10 am
Wolverine Cafeteria
Please contact Kim Brannon if you are able to attend!