April 13, 2016
Free GHSA Physicals for 2016-17 Varsity Athletes
Athens Orthopedic Clinic is offering free GHSA physicals for the 2016-17 school year to rising 9th through 12th grade students. These free physicals are being offered to Prince Avenue on Saturday, April 23.
Students will need to have the attached GHSA physical form filled out and signed on the Featured by a parent. Students will bring this form with them on the day of the physicals.
All participants will need to be outside the PACS gym at 8:15 a.m. and will depart in PACS buses at 8:30 a.m. Because of limited parking, no personal vehicles are allowed at AOC. The buses are expected to return to PACS around 10:15 am.
It is understood that there is are some conflicts on this date with the region track meet and the Junior/Senior event. However, PACS does not have the opportunity to select the date for these physicals. Please remember that in order for a student to participate in athletics for the 2016-17 school year, his or her physical form must be dated on or after April 1, 2016.
We hope you will be able to take advantage of this valuable opportunity offered to our school.
All questions should be directed to Richard Ricketts, Athletic Director. 678-726-2313 rricketts@princeave.org