February 22, 2017
Students Attend Regional Spelling Bee
Prince Avenue Christian School Lower and Middle School students recently attended the ACSI Regional Spelling Bee.
Lower School competition included students in 1st – 4th grades and took place in Lilburn, Georgia. Middle School competition included students in 5th – 8th grades and took place in Powder Springs, Georgia.
Congratulations to the following Lower School students who placed in competition.
First Grade: Abigail Wolfe -1st place, Rowen Hudson – 2nd.
Second Grade: Taylor Lord – 4th place
Third Grade: Bailey Burns – 2nd place
Fourth Grade: Meredith Hale – 1st place, Lyndsay McCall – 4th place
PACS Lower School Students at ACSI Regional Spelling Bee left to right:
Front row: Grace Morgan, Taylor Lord, Ella Thomas, Abigail Wolfe, Sybil Mullins, Ryley Young, Rowen Hudson, and Lyla Ward
Back Row: Carly Land, Izze Currie, Sophia Hou, Meredith Hale, Lyndsay McCall, Garrett Powell, Jake Peacock, and Bailey Burns
PACS Middle School Students and teachers at ACSI Regional Spelling Bee left to right:
Front Row: Sophia Machado, Meg Jackson, Ella Norris, Addi Kay Carter, and Nina Killian
Middle Row: Thomas Bruce, Will Baker, Aiden Harter, Davis Eley, Riley Cartey, and Will Howard
Back Row: Damian Brambhatt, Jeremiah Lill, Jax Wallis, and Finn McGinnis