March 13, 2017
Thing-A-Thon Preparations Underway – Volunteers Needed
Prince Avenue Christian School's annual Thing-A-Thon Field Day will be held on Friday, April 21st from 8:10 am – Noon on the Wolverine Athletic Complex. This fun-filled day is for all students.
Every student, faculty, staff, and volunteer will receive a free t-shirt, but you must register by March 20 to choose your t-shirt size and for parents to volunteer to help with the games and events. Colors of shirts are determined by grade (lower school) and by team (middle and high school). Volunteers will all receive the same color shirt.
The PTF needs adult volunteers in order to have a successful Thing-A-Thon. Please register as a volunteer using the same button link below. If you have volunteered in the past, you will remember the fun you have had helping students enjoy the day. If you are a first-time parent, sign up to volunteer, and you will discover a great adventure!
Thing-A-Thon has been a part of the Prince Avenue Christian School family culture for 19 years. The PTF sponsors a field day of games and activities for all students while encouraging the involvement of parents as game volunteers, creating a special family fun-filled event for students of all ages.
Lower school students rotate with their homeroom classes through about 20 age-appropriate game stations ranging from relay races to putt-putt to moon walks. Middle and high school students are divided into randomly-selected teams with teachers as coaches. They also rotate through stations including games such as relays, flag football, kickball and volleyball.
There is no fee to participate in Thing-A-Thon, but families are asked to consider making a $25 donation to help the PTF pay for expenses for the event.
Click Here to Register for Thing-A-Thon