August 4, 2018
“Wolverine Awakening” Chapels Begin Year for Middle & High School Students
Wolverine Awakening is a special event for Prince middle and high school students comprised of three chapel services designed to encourage and challenge students spiritually as they start the new school year. This year's Wolverine Awakening took place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the first week of school and was led by Prince Director of Spiritual Life Ben Wallis with special music led by Jeremy Curtis.
The Wolverine Awakening messages focused on the central theme of overcoming selfishness as a believer. Mr. Wallis reminded students that it is understandable how easy it is for students to become zeroed in on their own routines and their own lives that they unintentionally begin to live lives that are selfish. However, God’s design is that believers live lives that are selfless.
Day one of Wolverine Awakening encouraged students to focus on the fact that HE>ME. They spent time studying the scripture from John 3:30, “He must increase, and I must decrease.” Students were faced with the reality that without God, they are nothing and can do nothing of value in this world.
Day two turned the focus to the need to rely on others in the Body of Christ. WE >ME. Students spent time in I Corinthians 12:12 “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” Mr. Wallis reminded students that as they come to grips with their God-given mission, they can begin to see that each person has a specific role to play, and God’s mission is impossible to accomplish without others.
Day three concluded Wolverine Awakening with the reminder that all students experience loneliness and isolation. Mr. Wallis explained that in a way, these feelings of loneliness and isolation are their own forms of self-centeredness because the focus is still on self. However, the Bible is very clear that THREE>ME. Students were reminded that they need one another. They spent time studying Ecclesiastes 4:12 “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”
This week, students will spend time in small discussion groups talking about the truths they learned through Wolverine Awakening and applying those truths to their lives.