September 20, 2018
Speaker, Whitney Capps, Talks with Students About Living in God’s Strength
As part of the Distinguished Speaker Series, Prince Avenue Christian School hosted national speaker and writer Whitney Capps.
Whitney is a speaker for Proverbs 31 Ministries and a writer for the new Bible app, First 5, with more than 1,000,000 downloads and users. Whitney's first book (B & H Publishers) and Bible study with video curriculum (LifeWay) will be released in early 2019. Whitney is married to Chad, and they have four sons that are students at Prince.
Whitney challenged the popular notion that students can be anything they want to be in life. She shared that God’s Word teaches them the opposite, that no amount of desire or ambition can get them where they want to be in life. Instead, she explained, they could only be in God’s will. “Don’t build your life around what you can do. Build your life on the One who will work through you.” Whitney went on to say, “If you use your strengths, even if it is for God’s glory, it will fail. It has to be God using your strengths.” Whitney based her teaching on Exodus Chapter 3 in which God reveals His purpose to Moses.
The Distinguished Speaker Series is a pillar of the Prince Avenue Christian Character Development Program. As a follow-up to Whitney's talk, students will split into discussion groups facilitated by faculty and respond to questions relating to Whitney's presentation.