October 24, 2018
The PACS Interact Club Sponsors “The BIG Thank You” Campaign
The Prince Avenue Christian School Interact Club has launched this year's “The Big Thank You” Campaign in which students in all grade levels have the opportunity to write letters to US soldiers stationed overseas during the holidays.
PACS students are encouraged to participate in this effort by writing heartfelt handwritten letters to troops who will be away from friends and family during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Interact Club members are assisting in this effort by visiting lower school classrooms and helping students as they write and decorate their letters. In years past, some of the soldiers have written back and expressed appreciation for the support and encouragement. The Interact Club’s goal for this year is 500 letters.
When writing the letters, there are some important guidelines that must be followed. All letters must be on 8.5 x 11-inch paper or smaller and should be decorated using crayons, markers, pens, or pencils. No glue, tape, staples, cardboard, glitter, or construction paper should be used. Students may use both sides of the paper, but each letter should only be one page long. No greeting cards or pictures will be accepted, but students may include their mailing or email address. Letters should not be sealed in envelopes.
Letters can be turned in to the main office or to Meghan Hudson. The deadline to turn letters in is Friday, October 26th.