December 4, 2019
Prince Receives Walton EMC School Empowerment Grant
Prince Avenue Christian School was recently awarded the Walton EMC School Empowerment Grant. This grant will provide a shade structure for the outside area near the playground and green space and will benefit both students and faculty school-wide.
Walton EMC’s School Empowerment Grant program is available to schools within their ten-county service area with the grant funds coming from unclaimed capital credits. This year, 82 grants were awarded at 56 schools in the Walton EMC service area.
In attendance to present the grant to Ginger Robinson, Administrative Assistant to the Head of School, was Savannah Chandler, Walton EMC Communications Coordinator and also a PACS parent.
Pictured left to right: Savannah Chandler, Ginger Robinson, and High School Principal Daniel Head