December 16, 2019

Middle School Students Qualify for District Honor Band
Eight Prince Avenue middle school band students recently auditioned and qualified for the 2020 Georgia Music Educators Association District Honor Band. Lyndsay McCall, Meredith Hale, Jenifer Dunn, Carly Land, Brock McDonald, Andrew Gilmore, Garnett Elayan, and Preston Mitchell will participate in District Honor Band to be held February 14th – 15th at the Georgia Baptist Conference Center in Toccoa.
In addition to qualifying, Lyndsay, Brock, and Andrew all made 1st Chair, an honor signifying that these students are the best players on their instruments of any middle school participants in northeast Georgia. Those three students and Carly also scored high enough at the district audition to qualify for the 2020 GMEA All-State Band audition to be held in January.
Congratulations to these middle school band students for their excellence in Fine Arts.
Picture ID:
1st row left to right: Lyndsay McCall, Meredith Hale, Jenifer Dunn, & Carly Land
2nd row left to right: Brock McDonald, Andrew Gilmore, Garnett Elayan, & Preston Mitchell