November 10, 2020

PACS Interact Club Sponsors “Big Thank You” Letter Campaign
The Prince Avenue Christian School Interact Club recently sponsored The Big Thank You campaign in which students are encouraged to write letters to be sent to soldiers who are deployed overseas during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Members of the club visited classrooms to explain the process of writing the letters and assisted students as they designed and wrote their letters. This year, the club collected 323 letters.
Interact Club sponsor Meghan Hudson explains that this year’s letters will be delivered to the soldiers in a unique way. “The letters are going to a group of wives at a military base in Louisiana who send care packages to our military stationed overseas during the holidays. The group will divide our letters among the packages to be sent out around the world.” Meghan said that most of the letters include a Bible verse or prayer. “It is pretty awesome to think about soldiers receiving those blessings from our students.”
Picture ID Left to Right –
Front Row: Yunie Brambhatt, Dioni Perea, & London South
Back Row: Eli Attaway, Drew Payne, Garrett Powell, & Lilly McNeil