March 24, 2021

Prince Spring Gala Raises Money for Annual Fund
The 14th Annual Party with a Purpose Spring Gala was a tremendous success! Last week, our parents, community partners, and friends gathered to celebrate Prince Avenue Christian School at the Prince Avenue Baptist Church Tabernacle. Thank you to all who attended and participated in this special event. The silent auction was abuzz with excitement as bidders competed for their favorite items. The amount raised for the event is continuing to climb, but to date, we have exceeded our goal and have raised an amazing $132,426! It was a blessing to hear two of our seniors sing as well as encouragement from Head of School Seth Hathaway, Athletic Director Richard Ricketts, Fine Arts Director LaMurl Morris, and PABC Pastor Josh Smith. Through laughter and tears, we heard how the ministry of Prince Avenue Christian School has influenced the lives of many students and families. What an incredible night!