August 18, 2022

PACS Celebrates New Middle School Building
During this year’s open house event, Prince Avenue Christian School parents, students, faculty, and staff gathered for a special prayer of dedication and thanksgiving to God for the blessing of the new middle school building.
In attendance for the dedication was Chris Gareau, Vice President of Grahl Construction, and Tim Luke, Executive Pastor of Prince Avenue Baptist Church.
The two-story middle school building is a 20,000-square-foot structure. It consists primarily of academic space with 14 classrooms including two science laboratories, a visual arts room, a center for Educational Student Support, a breakout space for students and teachers, separate student and faculty restrooms, a teacher breakroom, and administrative area. The classrooms are equipped with interactive flat panels and new fixtures, furniture, and equipment.
Prince raised 4.2 million dollars in one year during the “NOW It’s Time” Capital Campaign. Head of School Col Seth Hathaway explains that no words that can adequately thank the Prince community for their gifts. “What I can articulate is a promise that our faculty and staff will remain on point and dedicated to our mission of infusing the truth of God’s word into the lives of young people and educating them during the formative and impressionable window of youth.”
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5
Pictured Left to Right: Lynne Bottoms, Daniel Head, Richard Ricketts, Tim Luke, Seth Hathaway, Chris Gareau, and Kim Brannon.