January 23, 2023

Prince NAHS Holds 12th Annual Empty Bowls Auction: January 23rd – 27th
The Prince Avenue National Art Honor Society’s 12th Annual Empty Bowls Silent Auction will be held in the main hallway on Monday, January 23rd through Friday, January 27th. Bidding will begin Monday at 8 am and will end Friday at noon. The highest bid listed last on the list at noon on Friday wins.
Prince high school NAHS members, along with faculty members, have created 57 beautiful handmade pottery bowls and have filled the bowls with gifts and goods. A variety of themes are presented such as coffee, edible treats, UGA items, soaps, flowers, and gift cards.
Important Details:
- All bids will be placed in person.
- Bids are accepted in whole-dollar increments.
- The highest bid listed last at noon on Friday, January 27th wins!
- If you would like to place a one-time bid off-campus, you can send a Direct Message to @pacsemptybowls or email mhudson@princeave.org by 11:30 am on Friday.
- All winners can pick up their bowls from 12:30-3:30 pm in the main hallway on Friday, January 28th
- Payment can be made by cash or check (made to PACS) upon pick-up.
The bowls and goodies are on display in the front hallway of the school as well as posted for viewing on the PACS Empty Bowls Instagram page @pacsemptybowls. Parents are encouraged to invite family, co-workers, and friends to participate in the auction.
All proceeds from the auction will go directly to A Bigger Vision, a local Athens-area homeless shelter. Prince NAHS has donated more than $25,000 to A Bigger Vision over the past eleven years, and the group hopes that, with the generosity of the PACS community, they can add to that total again this year.
For questions, please contact Meghan Hudson at mhudson@princeave.org.
Thank you for your support, and Happy Bidding!
2023 Empty Bowls on Display Now in the Front Hallway: