There are three forms required by the state of Georgia for participation in middle and high school athletics.
These forms are collected and stored through PRIVIT, an electronic system used to collect, store, and manage athletic documents. PRVIT allows PACS coaches and trainers to increase the safety of all athletes and enhance the accessibility and security of the health information when needed while also being HIPPA and COPPA compliant.
The three required athletic forms are:
- A yearly GHSA Physical Form – This form should be printed by you and completed and signed by a healthcare professional. A copy of the completed physical must be uploaded by you to your PRIVIT account.
- Concussion Awareness Form – must be signed in PRIVIT each year after April 1st.
- Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form – must be signed in PRIVIT each year after April 1st.
- Additional form if applicable: GHSA Physical Supplement Form for Athletes with Disabilities
Please read and follow the directions on the PRIVIT Welcome Letter in order to set up an account and upload your forms.
View the PRIVIT Welcome Letter
Click Here to Go to PACS PRIVIT Log-In Page
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness:
To improve the safety of all athletes, parents are also encouraged to view the Sudden Cardiac Awareness PowerPoint.
Click Here for the GHSA Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness PowerPoint