October 5, 2020
11th-12th grade students interested in Banking/Finance….Community Opportunity for you!
Our school has the opportunity to select 2 students to participate in a Junior Board of Directors program with Oconee State Bank.
Requested profile for recommendation to Junior Board:
Industrious – high activity level
Take pride in achievement
Present themselves to public in respectful manner without being passive; outgoing personality with positive outlook
They are ambassadors and represent the school in a professional manner
Excellence in academics not necessarily the primary requirement (top 10% preferred) but it usually goes along with the above criteria.
The best prospect could be someone not as involved in sports or other activities that would have an interest in banking.
Most of the sessions will be held on Saturday mornings, and to avoid conflict with school activities and testing. Junior Board participants will have the opportunity to meet leaders of our organization while learning multiple aspects of banking, strategic planning, team building, and leadership. It is our hope that these students will one day be leaders of and/or sit on a Board of Directors for an organization whose mission and values they align with. For program information click here: Oconee State Bank Junior Board
Oconee State Bank Junior Board Proposed Schedule 2021
If interested …please see Mrs. Ricketts by OCTOBER 30th