September 28, 2023
Are you applying to UNG? If so, you must submit not only your HS transcript but also any college/dual enrollment transcripts you have…
To request a TRUETT MCCONNELL UNIVERSITY ~or~ POINT UNIVERSITY Transcript be sent to another college:
Go to
- Enter the school where you have earned DE college credit/Truett McConnell University (all DE courses except MTH191/210) or Point University (MTH191/210 only) and follow the prompts
- You will need a credit card, email address, SSN
- You can request the transcript be sent now or after final grades are in for current courses. If it’s the end of year, you may want to check to wait and send after FINAL grades are in.
- Enter name of the college you want TMU/Point transcript sent to. You must enter an email address for the recipient college. Contact the college admissions office to find out this email address. (NOTE: If you are applying to UNG make sure to put the appropriate email address below for the campus you are applying to)
- Blue Ridge Campus
706-946-5462 - CummingCampus
470-239-3105 - DahlonegaCampus
706-864-1800 - GainesvilleCampus
678-717-3641 - OconeeCampus
- The fee is approx. $10 per transcript
Requesting Truett-McConnell University Transcripts: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) prohibits the release of a transcript or the information recorded thereon to a third party without the student’s written consent.