February 14, 2020
Athens Athletic Hall of Fame Scholarship Applications
Three local student-athletes will be awarded scholarships to use toward continuing their education at a college or technical school. The winners be recognized at the Athens Hall of Fame Banquet to be held on May 18, 2020. The scholarships are named after three individuals whose work within the community exemplifies the spirit of teamwork, leadership, service and character that participation in athletics develops in young people.
The 3 scholarships are:
- The Billy Henderson Teamwork Scholarship
- The Claude Williams Leadership Scholarship
- The Ed Benson Service Scholarship
The scholarships are based upon the following criteria:
- Athletics
- Academics
- Community Service
- Leadership/Sportmanship
Application are available in the HS Office and due by April 15, 2020. They are to be mailed to:
Athens Athletic Hall of Fame
c/o B Galvin
1130 Victoria Crossing
Watkinsville, GA 30677