December 7, 2020
West Point Admissions: Junior File Opening in Mid January 2021
Are you interested in applying to West Point or just finding out more about the process?
- For those of you going into your Junior year, the portal to start your file will be opened mid January 2021.
- 9th-10th Grade Students with interest in West Point can contact me as well
- Never can start too soon!
To make you a stronger Candidate:
- Pay attention to the attached Class Profile
- It is a template for success in the Application Process or what ever life path you choose
- Work to those areas that are your strength.
- Note that Academic Achievements are 60% of your evaluation.
- Never too soon to take SAT/ACT prep, and take tests as early and often as possible.
- Evaluation Process-no surprises.
- Use the attached Extracurricular Activities to help capture all that you do.
- Start fleshing out your Resume based on the Resume Guidance attached.
See the links below for suggestions and tips:
West Point Resume Guidance 200414
West Point Extra Curricular Drop Down List form Portal
Please contact me with any questions. Thank you so much.
Ed Postell, LTC (Ret) USMA ‘71
Army West Point Field Force